
It’s that time of year! Come celebrate with us, as we are very excited to invite you to ChriSarahMas 2024!

Saturday, December 14, 2024



Please text or call Chris or Sarah

We hope you'll join us!

The Details

Who: You! And us. And everyone else.
What: Our annual Christmas party. This is our NINTH party!
When: Saturday December 14, 8pm until… ?
Where: Our house.
Why: Because Christmas!


This years theme is TBD.

We try to keep the themes fun and seasonal. Last year was White Christmas. We’ll announce the theme closer to the party.

Food & Drink

We’ll have a seasonal house cocktail and a few finger foods.
You all do a fantastic job bringing snacks too, so please bring a food item to share!

Also, if you have a particular drink of choice, you may want to bring that along.
We’ll have the house cocktail, beer, sodas, and water.

Gift Game

At some point during the evening, we’ll play a gift exchange game. Rules will be explained right before we start, and I think everyone who has come in the past would agree that it’s fun.

$25 and under on the gifts, one gift per couple, and you must bring a gift to participate.

No gift? That’s ok! Watching is still a lot of fun.


Staying the night is always an option, and we can figure out how to accommodate up to 8 people between a guest bed, couches, and an air mattress. If you need to stay, by all means, please do.

Please be responsible. Which leads us to…


Please leave the kiddo’s at ho-ho-home. We love ’em, but this party is for YOU to relax and have fun and enjoy yourself.

Our gift to you. Merry Christmas.